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End of Term Communication and Frequently Asked Questions


Three months ago, when the schools closed to the majority of students,  it was clear that we needed to work even more closely with you as parents; we needed to offer whatever support we could and ask more of you than ever before.


I want to thank you for juggling the role of supporting your child’s learning at home, along with the multitude of other demands, whilst in the middle of a global pandemic. I imagine it cannot have been easy, but hopefully you have found it rewarding; thank you for your support. 


To help you over the next phase I thought I would use the end of term letter to answer some frequently asked questions.


Are our children expected to do any schoolwork over the May half term?

Some children will need a break, but most children will benefit from dedicating just one or two hours each day either reviewing, or catching up, on their learning from last term, or indeed getting involved in the book of Hazeley Hopes. For more details about our Book of Hazeley Hopes, please click on the link - Book of Hazeley Hopes .


What if my child needs pastoral support over half term?

Simply email and expect a response within 24 hours.


What if my child has problems accessing a computer at home?

Please contact their form tutor and Miss Whiteman -

and they will try to resolve the issue.


What if my child is struggling to access a piece of software?

They should email IT support and one of the team will try and help them.


What if my child is struggling to be successful at home learning?

Email their form tutor and if they are not able to help, please contact Mr Healy and he will do all he can to support you - .


When will we receive refunds on cancelled trips?

We are working with our insurers; this is probably going to be a long process and the finance team will update individual parents as soon as we have more information. We thank you for your patience.


Will my child have any live lessons?

These have already commenced and more will follow after half term. 


Will my child have any live assemblies or form time?

Assemblies (lead lessons) will take place on a Monday; it is likely these will be on a fortnightly basis.

Year 7- 9.30am; Year 8 - 9.50am; Year 9 - 11am; Year 10 - 10.30am

Year 12 lead lessons will take place fortnightly on a Wednesday at 3.30pm.

Any questions please drop your child’s Progress Leader an email.


We are also starting to roll out live virtual form times, and increased calls home by staff. More details will be sent out by your child’s form tutor.


What if I need more help supporting my child with their learning at home?

Please join the Hazeley Parent Portal on Facebook (click  here- Hazeley Academy Parent Portal);  follow the advice sent out in the weekly parent newsletters (all newsletters can be viewed on our website (click here - Newsletters) or come along to the next online parental workshop on Wednesday 3rd June at 5.30pm. We will be talking about supporting your child with Teams. Please email - to book a place.


When will the students return to school?

We will be very firmly encouraging students with special educational needs, students from a disadvantaged background, and those who are struggling with home learning to return to school for face to face support. Mr Healy is leading this, so if you have any questions, please feel free to contact him -


If the government gives us the green light, then from the 1st June we will expand this to targeted Year 10 and Year 12 students. You will receive a direct communication from the Academy if this relates to your child.


We hope to open for all Year 10 and Year 12 students on a part time basis from the middle of June. More details will be sent to the relevant parents in advance of this. 


We expect all students to return in September. We are planning for a staggered start to the year and will have various safety measures in place. Again, we will send out more details nearer the time.


Will the school keep doing distance learning?

Overall distance learning has been a huge success. We do know that students are going to be so much more skilled at doing homework. We also know that Covid 19 might return, so we need to be ready to quickly switch back to this way of working.


What is happening in relation to The Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) for Year 9 and Year 10 students?

The Duke of Edinburgh scheme is a key part of being a Hazeley student, and below are some key messages for all those students taking part in the award this year. It also explains how young people can continue to complete the award from home.


Volunteering, physical and skills sections – the Duke of Edinburgh team are really keen that students continue with these skills at home, if at all possible. Students may have been volunteering or completing a skill before lockdown and the time spent on these will still count. The award is allowing greater flexibility to add and change the volunteering and skills to adapt to what students can do at home e.g. if they were volunteering at a charity shop then the number of weeks that they did this will still count, but at home they might now want to coach a younger sibling doing their maths work. Please can students log onto their D of E account (they all have their own passwords for this) and record the change of volunteering activity and what they are doing now.


Likewise with the skills students might have been doing training with an athletics club; this will still count towards their number of hours, but they can now switch to completing a healthy lifestyle app from home and record what they are doing on their D of E account.


Expeditions – the planning for these will resume in the autumn term. Please reassure your child that once the restrictions are lifted we will plan for these and they have not been forgotten.


If you have any further questions about the Duke of Edinburgh scheme, please do not hesitate to contact Miss McKenzie


Where can I see the video from the staff to the students?

Please click on this link and please feel free to share - Hazeley staff video


Will the Academy be offering summer school?

We are planning a series of live virtual learning classes and more details will follow.


How do staff praise my child for going above and beyond with home learning?

Staff reward students with Superb Distance Learning (SDL) points. 150 students have already achieved their bronze awards. It is worth asking your child about them and what they need to do to gain one. If they are not clear they should contact their teacher - it is always good to keep aiming high.


On the subject of praise, it would be lovely if you could find the time to speak with your child and ask them which members of staff they think have gone above and beyond, and then take a few minutes to drop them a thank you email.


Small acts of consideration and kindness like this do help shape the culture of your child’s school. It also makes Hazeley a great place to work and can help us attract, and retain, the best staff to support your child.


Finally, thank you again for your support; I feel privileged to work for you. Please do not hesitate to drop me, or another member of the team, an email of you have any further questions or comments. 


Keep safe, but have fun.


Mr Nelson